The Community Hospital MRI Centers provide a comfortable environment with convenient appointment times to receive your physician-ordered MRI.
The MAGNETOM ESPREE, from Siemens is a 1.5T Open Bore MRI. With its compact length of only 125 cm and expanded 70 cm bore diameter, it combines an unprecedented level of comfort with the image quality and diagnostic confidence of high-field MRI.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a test that uses a magnetic field and pulses of radio wave energy to make pictures of organs and structures that are inside the body. During the MRI test, the patient will lie on their back on a table that is part of the MRI scanner. The patient’s head, chest, and arms may be held with straps to help them stay completely still. The table will then slide into the round opening of the magnet. Inside the scanner, the patient will hear a fan and feel air moving. They may also hear tapping or snapping noises as the MRI scans are done. It is very important that the patient stays completely still while the scan is being performed.
Individuals who get nervous in small places may need to speak to their physician about medicine that will help them relax during the MRI scan.